Department of Industrial Computer Science
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science
tel.  +48 /0-prefix/ 12 617 20 92, fax. +48 /0-prefix/ 12 617 20 92  
  W sekcji Specjalność SIP zostały umieszczone informacje na temat przedmiotów realizowanych na specjalności Systemy Informatyki Przemysłowej.                  

Computer graphics
The main goal of the lecture is the familiarizing students with theoretical basis of the computer graphics. The students learn about the main features of the human eye, visual perception of the reality and generating graphical scenes. Students gain experience in working with geometrical transformations of graphical scene objects, drawing primitives, scan converting procedures, fill-ing primitives, colour models, reproducing colours and the role of colour in computer graphics. They learn about scene illumination models, surface details displaying, shadows, transparency and interobject reflections. Students get knowledge concerning standard graphics pipeline, image processing, image manipulation algorithms and storage arrangement. Students also work with commercial programs, which allow graphs construction, graphical files operating and computer aided design. During lectures and classes students gain skills in working with both existing graphical programs and their own code, placing emphasis on graphical libraries, first of all the OpenGL library. Additional aim of the lectures is learning about graphical presentation of nu-merical simulation results. Students familiarize themselves with implementation of effective graphical algorithms and skilful combination of graphical libraries procedures with other pro-gram codes.

Dr hab. inż Mirosław Głowacki, prof. AGH - Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej

01. J. Foley, Wprowadzenie do grafiki komputerowej, WNT 2001
02. J. Zabrodzki i in., Grafika komputerowa. Metody i narzędzia, WNT 1994
03. M. Jankowski, Elementy grafiki komputerowej, WNT, Warszawa 1990
04. I. O. Angell, Wprowadzenie do grafiki komputerowej, WNT, Warszawa 1988
05. R.S. Wright, M. Sweet, OpenGL. Księga eksperta, Helion, 1999

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